What is The Access Project?
The Access Project is a charity that supports students from under-resourced areas to go to top universities. We do this because we want all young people to get the chance to fulfil their potential. Educational success should not be determined by your postcode but instead by your hard work and motivation to do well. And why are we encouraging you to go to a top university? Data from the Institute of Fiscal Studies shows that you are four times more likely to end up as a high earner if you do.
We partner with schools to support students like you in a number of ways. We provide you with a mentor who will support you with decisions about university and course options, help you complete your university application, prepare for interviews and access student finance. You’ll have the opportunity to apply for our additional societies for those who are interested in going to Oxford or Cambridge University or wishing to study a competitive course like Medicine or Dentistry. You’ll have the chance to visit a top university and talk to current undergraduates about what it’s really like to go to university. And depending on the arrangement with your school, we may offer you one-to-one or group tuition in a subject of your choice, or essential skills coaching.
I have enrolled on The Access Project. What’s next?
There is a mentor in your school called a University Access Officer (UAO), who will help you through the process and give you all the information you need. If you have any questions, you should ask them for help. If they don’t know the answer, they will find someone who does!
You will be given access to a learning hub and, through this hub, you will be able to access resources and log on to tutoring or coaching sessions.
Being a student and making decisions about your future can feel overwhelming, so looking after your wellbeing is super important. There are some great resources out there where you can get tips on good work/life balance, going through exams and managing your mental health during this time. You can also reach out to online counsellors or volunteers for live support when you need it most.
- Childline: advice and support online or over the phone
- Kooth: support and wellbeing tips
- Shout: mental health support
- Young Minds: mental health support
- Switchboard: support for LGBTQ+ people

We offer two specialised societies designed for supporting students through the application process to courses with additional requirements and admissions tests.
These societies are our Oxbridge Society and our Medicine and Dentistry Society.
Applications to the societies are open during the autumn term to all Year 12 students studying at any of our partnering schools.
A student enrolled in the Oxbridge Society, or the Medicine and Dentistry Society, receives tailored mentoring sessions and online events run by our Events team, and with the assistance of our specialist volunteers.
The Oxbridge Society features an informative university visit to either Oxford or Cambridge with the opportunity to learn from Oxbridge student ambassadors and the admissions team. Students also benefit from admissions test preparation sessions and interview practice for their specific course.
The Medicine and Dentistry Society offers students an intensive UCAT test preparation session online, featuring a walkthrough of how to master each section of the test. Students are also offered interview and MMI practice (Multi-Mini Interview, a common type of station based medical interview style).
For further information about our societies, please email ellie.edwards@theaccessproject.org.uk.
“The Access Project gave me the best opportunity to succeed and I don’t think I would have done as well without it.”
Layla, former student with The Access Project who is now studying at King’s College London

Did you know?
On The Access Project, you can access lessons and resources through Kerboodle.
If you would like to find out more about this, please ask the University Access Officer (UAO) in your school, or your tutor.

- If you have a question or concern, speak to your University Access Officer (UAO).
- If you have a problem with your online tuition, try the tips in the document below. If you still need support, you can email onlinetuition@theaccessproject.org.uk for help.
Contact us
Contact information
The Access Project,
First Floor, Canopi-Borough,
7-14 Great Dover Street,
020 4513 5999
Media enquiries line: 07767 100582
The Access Project safeguarding line: 020 4513 5999 (available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm)
NSPCC helpline (visit the NSPCC website for up to date opening hours): 0808 800 5000 help@nspcc.org.uk